Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Neural Therapy, See my video and case on how it Can help you! By Dr. Kin Leung Naturopathic Fundamentals Airdrie

Neural therapy was developed in Germany beginning in the 1920s. Neural therapy is a remarkably safe and simple method of treating many medical problems and is taught in German medical schools.

How does it Work?

Specific homeopathic preparations, chelating agents, vitamins and/or local anesthetics are used in the injection solution.  An injected anesthetic will cause a nerve to be numbed by changing the positive and negative charges on the membrane of the nerve tissue so that no sensation can be passed along such as when your lips become numb after a visit to the dentist. In neural therapy the intention is not to anaesthetize or numb the nerve, but rather to change the membrane potential temporarily, with the expectation that when the anesthetic wears off, the membrane charges and nerve function will return to normal. Neural Therapy is like rebooting the “body computer”, the autonomic nervous system, to reset regulation and normalize function.

Neural therapy is a nervous system regulation therapy, so just about anything short of cancer and metabolic disease can be positively affected. The more common conditions that benefit from it include: back and neck pain, posttraumatic conditions, chronic pain from whiplash and head injury, joint pain, muscle pain, and athletic injuries. Jaw and head pain, post-surgical pain (including dental), digestive disturbances, sinusitis, hypothyroid, muscle injuries, organ dysfunctions and scar disturbances also benefit from neural therapy.

To book an appointment call 587-360-1100
He is your Airdrie Naturopath and serving the surrounding, Olds, Didsbury, Drumheller, Calgary area.

Dr. Kin Leung, B.Sc., N.D., CCT, CPCC

Naturopathic Fundamentals Wellness Clinic
191 Edwards Way SW, Unit 103
Airdrie, AB
T4E 3E2

(587) 360-1100

                                                                                                           www.naturopathicfundamentals.com                                                                                                  http://chelationtherapyreddeer.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Naturopathic Fundamentals Dr. Kin Leung, ND B12 Myoden Injections For Weight Loss

B12 Myoden Injections For Weight Loss

Vitamin B-12 and myoden are used in treatments for weight loss. Vitamin B-12 is essential to a number of functions that involve DNA, RNA, hormones, lipids and proteins, and contributes greatly to the chemical reactions necessary for fat and protein metabolic processes. Myoden (Adenosine monophosphate, AMP): This is a precursor to the energy carrier molecule, ATP.   AMP creates energy at the cellular level and increases mitochondrial function.  AMP is required to proper fat metabolism. 

To book an appointment call 587-360-1100
He is your Airdrie Naturopath and serving the surrounding, Olds, Didsbury, Drumheller, Calgary area.

Dr. Kin Leung, B.Sc., N.D., CCT, CPCC

Naturopathic Fundamentals Wellness Clinic
191 Edwards Way SW, Unit 103
Airdrie, AB
T4E 3E2

(587) 360-1100



Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Intravenous (IV) Vitamins And Minerals For Various Conditions!

IV therapy, Vitamins and minerals
Parenteral therapy or IV therapy can be defined as substances that are given directly and absorbed into the circulatory system, by-passing the “enteric system” or gastro-intestinal tract and liver, thereby increasing the absorption of the substances.
The Parenteral therapy can be delivered Intravenously, intramuscular or subcutaneously. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids and homeopathics are easily, safely and effectively delivered to the body.

Why  Parenteral Therapy?

Parenteral therapy is a way for individuals with compromised intestinal absorption or digestive issues (Cancer, Crohn's disease, Irritated Bowl Syndrome, ulcerative colitis, etc.); to have 100% absorption of the nutrients delivered over the conventional oral administration.
As well Parenteral therapy enables rapid delivery of higher concentrations of medicines that may otherwise not be possible by oral means.

Who Can Benefit from Parenteral Therapy?
Parenteral therapy benefit a variety of conditions. Severe acute and chronic infectious diseases (Mononucleosis, Influenza, and Herpes), autoimmune conditions (rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and Psoriasis), Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, acute and chronic gastrointestinal illnesses and cancer are among the most common conditions treated by parenteral therapy. Patients suffering from anxiety, depression, neurological conditions, chronic stress and general poor vitamin-mineral status can also benefit greatly.
Individuals who are interested in “anti-aging” or simply preventative medicine, parenteral therapies offer delivery of high concentrations of potent anti-oxidants to combat oxidative stress which is a marker of premature aging, degenerative diseases and pre-cancerous states.

What Substances are Administered?
The type of Parenteral Therapy will vary depending on the condition and the purpose of the treatment. Naturopathic treatment is individualized according to the patient and the treatment goals. Various vitamins, minerals, and homeopathics can be safely administered parenteraly to enhance the therapeutic response.

To book an appointment call 587-360-1100
He is your Airdrie Naturopath and serving the surrounding, Olds, Didsbury, Drumheller, Cochrane, Calgary area.

Dr. Kin Leung, B.Sc., N.D., CCT, CPCC

Naturopathic Fundamentals Wellness Clinic
191 Edwards Way SW, Unit 103
Airdrie, AB
T4E 3E2

(587) 360-1100
